Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 6 - Walking in Badlands (to the tune of "Walking in Memphis")


Badlands National Park is the premier paleontological environment in North America.

It is also  just north of the final Indian battle with the US government in 1890 at Wounded Knee which became a clarion call for the American Indian Movement (AIM) of the 1970's which we recall so clearly it can't really be 40 years ago!

As well, Badlands has some of the weirdest landscapes on the earth.

So lots to see and take in.

We started with early morning geological hike with Ranger Ellen followed by a presentation onsite at “Fossil Trail”.

Back at the Interpretive Centre, there was lots of exposure to the history of the park, and of the people who live here both Native American and the rest.

Indian tacos are on the menu at the KOA tonight. We decided to splurge. Not bad but not sure how the calories stack up - probably shouldn't ask. We've pretty much finished our bounty from the Farmer's market in Sioux Falls so will have to stock up in Rapid City on the way out of the state. 

 Although we were rained out of the “Prairie Grass” hike  at dinner time, we hope to see the “Night Sky “ program after dark tonight.

Wish us luck! (both for the presentation and for staying dry!)

On to Wyoming in the morning.

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