Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 13 Just 15 minutes before arriving at our campsite...

Driving through southern Idaho , potato country, we experienced a prairie storm. We watched it for about 100 miles, and as it got darker, we wondered just how much longer we would have till our luck ran out.

Luckily, a rest stop appeared just as I said to Paul, “When is it dangerous to be out in these winds? And he said, “When you see a parking lot full of trucks like those, it’s not good - let’s get off”.

5 minutes later, it hit, with gusts of 70 mph gusts (about 130 kph?) and the rains came about 20 minutes later.

Someone else in the rest stop had access to the net and found the cells on radar that showed we had about ½ hour before they passed safely - (and people laugh at the techies!)

We waited out the storm then headed to our campground at Three Islands Crossing State Park only to find out that the area was under a tornado warning.

So we headed to Oregon, and are in Baker City a day early, safe and sound in a Best Western.

The Oregon Trail Interpretive Center awaits us tomorrow.

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